Sunday, February 13, 2005

World Energy Assessment Overview: 2004 Update

World Energy Assessment Overview: 2004 Update

The World Energy Assessment: Overview - 2004 Update is a collaborative effort between UNDP, UNDESA and the World Energy Council. It provides an update to the original World Energy Assessment, published in 2001.

The enclosed document presents the linkages between energy and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), describes the discussions and outcomes that emerged from CSD-9 and WSSD, and outlines the latest energy trends and information, new energy related technologies, and energy policy options for a sustainable future.

This book also examines distinct regional challenges linked to energy and describes how key energy issues directly impact the achievement of development objectives outside the energy sector including, for example food security, the advancement of women, environmental well being and poverty reduction.

World Energy Assessment - Overview: 2004 Update -
Full Version - (large file - 1.5 MB)

World Energy Assessment - Overview: 2004 Update -
(in Sections for quicker download )

- Contents; Foreword; Preface

- Executive Summary

- Introduction

- Part I: Energy at the World Summit for Sustainable Development

- Part II: Basic Energy Facts

- Part III: Energy and Major Global Issues

- Part IV: Energy Resources and Technological Options

- Part V: Are Sustainable Futures Possible?

- Part VI: Policies and Actions to Promote Energy for Sustainable Development

- References

- Annexes; Contributor Bios